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Gregg Wilson Designs
GREGG WILSON DESIGNS was born out of the necessity to bring more to the RV market than the bare essentials that were being sold in 2005. What started as a simple fishing trip soon turned into an opportunity caused by a theft. I soon realized, after reviewing what options were available in the market place for the RV community that there were no solutions you could buy to deter theft attempts around the RV other than the traditional lock and key. Thus Starlights Inc. was born and I developed many products and was given many patents many years ago for that company. Noting that those products were good products years ago in there day but not the best products that could be built today I sold my interest in the company and together with my wife started RV LED Lites.
RV LED Lites intends to incorporate the latest in Technology & Designs for LEDs, LED Security Lighting and Porch Lighting Solutions for the RV industry. What makes us different from what you can purchase elsewhere is that all of RV LED Lites products are EMI Suppressed so as to not disrupt sensitive electronics in today’s RVs including (Radios or TVs while viewing). It should also be noted that RV LED Lites is the only company to manage this EMI Problem in the RV Industry.
You can count on RV LED Lites and GREGG WILSON DESIGNS to bring you the latest in what is achievable at a great affordable price point.
THANK YOU for selecting RV LED Lites.